Which cord use in my nunchaku?

I’ve always use nylon cords to tie my nunchakus, and today I change the cord of one of them, because I got some paracord.

Now, the difference in finger spins is a lot! I didn’t think that just changing the cord would make such a huge difference, but it does!

The nylon cord I was using was very rough, and it added more friction to my fingers while doing finger spins, but the paracord is a lot more smoother, so the friction is less, and thus it’s easier to do the finger spins!

Remember, whenever you replace the link of your nunchaku you have to use a good cord (paracord is a great option!) and always check your cord before using the chuck!

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4 Responses to Which cord use in my nunchaku?

  1. alexios says:

    Hi. Very nice? tutorials! A question. what is the TOTAL length of the rope that you use? Please write for all the 5 methods of Tying Guide

    • jmvicuna says:

      For total length I don’t know, I just measure the length between the two sticks. If for example you like your nunchakus with 4 inches of cord, I think that for the single cord would be about 10 inches, for doubles 15 inches, for triple 18 inches, for cuadruple 22 inches, and for airport loop around 15 inches, more or less.

  2. Rajiv says:

    Use a lighter for the knot you tied, this can harden the knot and even reduce the fraying of the cord. Leave it too cool after you have used the lighter on the knot and when it’s done the knot should be a black colour. Also,make sure you blow out any flames.

    • jmvicuna says:

      I don’t like too much to fry all the knot… I just fry the tips of the paracord, so it would be firm, and haven’t had any problems with that, but if it works, they it’s a good idea!

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