Wristrolls vs Handrolls

This post is to point out about nunchaku wristrolls and handrolls.

There have been many arguments of what is a wristroll and what is a handroll in freestyle nunchaku, but in this site, I will call both moves as wristrolls, to avoid any misunderstanding. Of course you can call the moves whatever you want, the important thing here is that you know the move!

Keep chucking, and have fun!

How to Learn Nunchaku

Do you want to learn nunchaku or nunchucks? Then here are some tips you should do in order to get better at it:

  • Don’t pay too much attention to names… In the end what matters here is your freestyle!
  • Always try to reverse moves you have learned.
  • If you are really struggling with a move, try something else.
  • Practice with music for a change.
  • Don’t be big headed about your skills or people will think you are a fool.
  • Use a 50/50 approach if you are going to practice for 1 hour, do 30 mins of stuff you love and 30 mins of stuff you don’t.
  • Respect the nunchaku… you never know when a lose swing will hit the back of your head.
  • Have fun!

Foam Nunchaku Review

This video is a review of a foam nunchaku I bought. Personally I don’t like foam chucks, I think is better if you start practicing with a real nunchaku from the start, but if you like foam, go for it!
Also, in many countries foam nunchaku are legal, and normal nunchakus are illegal, so it can be a very wise; decision to use foam nunchaku in those countries.