This video was filmed outside Buckingham Palace, the residence of the queen, in London UK.
I hope you like it!
This video was filmed outside Buckingham Palace, the residence of the queen, in London UK.
I hope you like it!
Here is Episode 2, on the freestyle serie:
Hope you like it!
Hi folks,
Here is the video of my first burn! It was great!!! The “whoooosh” sound that the fire makes is really exciting and gives a total new meaning to the flow. It was a great session. I hope you enjoy the video.
The nunchakus are from NinjaPyrate, and they are really cool… check them out.
The music was: “Wrong side of the revolution” by Josh Woodward –
Happy chucking!!
These are the photos I took from the 2nd and 3rd burn! (The first burn was captured in video, so there aren’t pictures of it.)
I hope you like them!
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery gallery_type=”thumbnails” theme_id=”1″ gallery_id=”1″ sort_by=”order” order_by=”asc” image_column_number=”5″ images_per_page=”” image_title=”none” image_enable_page=”1″ thumb_width=”180″ thumb_height=”90″ popup_fullscreen=”1″ popup_autoplay=”0″ popup_width=”800″ popup_height=”500″ popup_effect=”fade” popup_interval=”5″ popup_enable_filmstrip=”1″ popup_filmstrip_height=”70″ popup_enable_ctrl_btn=”1″ popup_enable_fullscreen=”1″ popup_enable_comment=”1″ popup_enable_facebook=”1″ popup_enable_twitter=”1″ popup_enable_google=”1″ watermark_type=”none” watermark_link=””]Hi folks,
On monday I got my fire nunchaku from NinjaPyrate and it is really cool!
Before my first burn, I made a small review, and it is short because I want to make a long review after I have use it for a while.
Here is the video (sorry for the bad quality, I will try to have a better quality video for the next review.)
I hope you like it!
This video is about different tricks that you should use to record freestyle nunchaku videos… With this your videos should be less plain, and you will be able to have more movement inside the video.
Let me know what you think!
Hi folks,
Have an incredible new year.
Thanks a lot for everything and I hope that all your dreams and projects will go great in this new year!!
Remember always to have fun and to give fun to the world!!