So, you want to buy a new chuck, but you don’t know which one to buy, a nunchaku with a chain as link or with a cord as link. Now we will examine the chain nunchaku, with his good stuff and with the wrong ones (the little letter you never read when you are buying a nunchaku!).
Before you begin reading, I do not support a special kind of nunchaku, I believe that a nunchaku is like a glove, and that every person should find the one that fits them better, so I will be very critical, and that doesn’t means that I love or hate a certain nunchaku!
- They really look like a nunchaku, not a toy.
- They are heavier (normally) so you will have more power in the spins
- The chain won’t break so easy…. it’s steel we are talking here!
- It will be easier to keep the flow, because of the extra weight
- They make a nice sound, and if it has a ring, a awesome sound!
- You don’t need to lose your time re stringing the nunchaku
- Chain won’t fry with the use
- Now you can be a perfect ninja turtle! (with real chain nunchaku!)
- They look more awesome than rope
- More wait? no thanks!
- I can’t see the damage it has? Cool, I can expect anytime a flying stick
- Ballbearings? Didn’t you know they can explode anytime?
- They do make noise, not so good, when you are spinning indoors at midnight
- If they fall, they would make greater noise!
- Beware of falling chain nunchaku, if you are barefoot
- The ballbearings may damage and makes scratches to the wood if they are drop