Hello everyone! Its been a while! I have to confess I have barely picked up my nunchaku in recent months. As is often the way in life I have been distracted by other adventures. I recently realised that although there may be 120 or so video’s on one of my Youtube accounts they aren’t much use to the freechaku explorers without being in some kind of order. Not simply an order of difficulty but order of which tricks to study first to help with learning more complex (yet similar) tricks later. With this in mind I have been compiling and arranging all my clips of individual tricks into something of a course in the form of a Youtube playlist. At the time of posting 70 video’s make up The Guide, with a total running time of around 50 minutes. There are still around 40 more existing video’s to add and a long list of video’s to film and upload to fill the gaps I have spotted in the syllabus. Eventually ALL these video’s will be re-filmed in much better quality but for now, here it is:
The Guide: Freechaku – From beginner to infinity!
Feel free to contact me if you have any requests for tutorials on any of the tricks covered here.
an international home-based freestyle nunchaku video tournament
The Chuck Off, is a yearly competition(for 7 years now!!!), hosted by Freestyle Forum, were any freestyler can participate. This is a skill-based competition, so the focus will be there. Lets spin it on!!! C’mon!!
The purpose of this competition, is to show the world what you are doing. Everybody is welcome, you don’t need to be in a certain level to participate.
In order to be in this tournament, you need to have an account in www.freestyleforum.net (It’s free!), upload the video to the internet(youtube/vimeo), make a topic for your entry on submission board, put the youtube/vimeo link in the post, and of course, follow the rules.
Stage One | Grouping Stage:
All the videos in the submission board will be divided by alphabetical order. Entries will be grouped by flag colors.
Stage Two | Categories Stage:
Once we have the groups sorted, we will have the polls for the groups, and then we will find champions in each category. Beginners, Intermediate, Advanced, Expert will no longer be used. There will be no more sub-categories. We will use a flag system(similar to World Cup) and will end each category 3 placers. This categories stage will contain 2 parts:
a. flags stage will be in “Round 1 | Rumble” board
b. finals stage will be in “Round 2 | Finals” board
Stage Three | Champion of Champions:
We will make a poll with ALL of the entries, from each group and category, and we will find the Champion of Champions of the Chuck Off 2013. The poll will run at the same time with the categories stage but ends longer than categories stage.
Chuck Off tournament will start and ends in 15 days. Please dedicate a time for it a nd buy some snacks.
To ensure if the voter is qualified, only FnF members with 30+ posts are capable to vote.
There are no rules in voting. Just vote for the entries you think deserves da win!
Please vote on all the polls to ensure proper and fair distribution of votes. if we find a certain flag has an obvious less votes, the poll will not end. It has to reach near the total amount of the last highest voted flag/category in order to continue. If anything goes wrong, our second plan, we will get the entries on final stage based on the TOTAL of votes for each entries(not flag)
All suggestions, corrections and comments are welcome, this is an open rules.
Who Dares Spinz: Freechaku related clothing & merchandise. Officially sponsored by the SpinStorm Freestyle Nunchaku Academy (SSFNA) and the Freestyle Nunchaku Forum (FNF)
Freechaku/Freestyle Nunchaku T-shirts and merchandise available very soon. We will soon be expanding to cover the other various spinning arts. Based in Manchester, UK. Worldwide shipping available.
SpinStorm doing his thing to some sick underground Hip Hop courtesy of my brother Stream of Consciousness
Also keep an eye out for new releases on NunchakuTutorials.Com, Ive got a new video scheduled for every day for the next two weeks! Much love! Keep Spinnin! ~ SpinStorm
I’ll be posting up various Nunchaku tricks and combo’s, I’ll try to keep it original with stuff I haven’t seen anyone else do, or my own take on things I’ve seen elsewhere. My naming conventions for techniques vary a bit from Jose’s but that shouldn’t be too much of a problem. My main focus has been digit tricks for a long time and my ‘style’, if you want to call it that, mainly involves fitting extra tricks into gaps where other moves are about to end, merging them all into one long barrage. You’ll see what I mean later when I start talking about Spin/Aerial Hybrids and Intercepts. I hope you learn something or find some inspiration, either way find me on Facebook if you need me. S
– Max 1 minute
– Make a video reply to this video
– Promote the Freestyle Nunchaku World Cup 2013, that will be hold at http://freestyleforum.net
The winner have to pay for the shipping
The winner will be decide by random
(maybe: another prochux to the most creative video decide by the Freestyle Forum staff… it depends on the finances )