Sticking with the theme of finger dropping we’re going to do a couple of finger drops to wrist/finger spin from two different angles.
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Constant Back to Back Finger Spins Angle 2
Same trick, different angle!
Mikey RTB Opposite Thumb to Aerial
The cheeky bastard beat me to it! SpinStorm
Constant Third Finger Front to Front Finger Spin
Same as the constant front to front finger spin but facilitated by the third finger instead.
Constant Back to Back Finger Spin
As the name implies, pretty much the same trick just backwards. Note use of thumb!
Constant Front to Front Finger Spins
One of my favorite for making flurries of spins more interesting. Slow motion and more very soon!
B2BS Backwards Back to Front Finger Drop
Back to Back Wrist Spin To Backward Back to Front Finger Drop.
Fullhand Finger Drop Spin
Your going to pass/drop the bar in the hand forwards down your fingers then when you run out of fingers use the chain to spin up the back of your hand into a normal front hand grip.
Finger Drop to F2F Aerial
Finger Drop to Front to Front Aerial – Part 2 of Freddy
Finger Drop In Figure Eight
Another finger drop, this time in our old favorite Figure Eight. Again, more to come on this!