News 11|feb|2011

Well, with the migration to wordpress, I wanted to mix all the social networks account into one, so I created a new facebook account, a twitter account and a new youtube account.

Also, with the change, I didn’t like the tutorials I had in SD (standard definition), so I’m in the process of making all the SD tutorials again in HD (high definition). There are like 54 tutorials in SD, and I currently have redone like 30, so in the days that will follow, I will be uploading the new HD nunchaku tutorials, so you will have a better quality.

Also I have been doing some new tutorials, so the list now is around 90 tutorials right now… and I expect to make more tutorials in a constant basis until march at least, so be sure to check the site often!

That’s all the news for now, keep chucking!

Updating site

Sorry for the problems, but I’m updating the site.

Currently I don’t have access to the admin section of the site (i’m using a web proxy to write this), and I can’t make the changes I want…. I need to wait some time so the change of the site is spread all over the internet.

So, please be patient, and sorry for the troubles!

Take care!


News 01-FEB-2011

Hey Folks,
I hope you are all right! Today’s news is about the adds in the site, and I think you have already notice that the adsense blocks that used to be in the right column and below the posts are gone now!
I removed them, because the goal of it, was to make money (of course!), but I had like 8 dollars in total from 1 year ago! So, instead of waiting 13 years more to have the 100 dollars in order for adsense to pay me, and also to avoid having those annoying adds “for free” in the site, I disable them.
But (yeah, there’s always a “but” in all things), I found a very good video site,, that allows me to put adds in my videos, and get money from the views I got.
So, these new adds may be annoying to, but at least we got rid of adsense ^^
Of course, my idea is to make this site to work by itself, and to be able to host it, and pay hosting and domain with the money I got from the adds (the current balance is negative). And if everything goes well with this new add site, I will have a competition with a nunchaku as prize, were all the people will be able to participate.
I hope to be able to do it as soon as possible, but for now, I just need to wait until I see a cent at least.
After I make all these (hosting, domain and tournament), I will invest in a better camera and maybe in a microphone so the videos can be in a better quality =P
Well, that’s all for now, I hope you aren’t too annoyed with the new adds on the videos!
Have fun and keep chucking!!

Pros and Cons of Chain Nunchaku

So, you want to buy a new chuck, but you don’t know which one to buy, a nunchaku with a chain as link or with a cord as link. Now we will examine the chain nunchaku, with his good stuff and with the wrong ones (the little letter you never read when you are buying a nunchaku!).

Before you begin reading, I do not support a special kind of nunchaku, I believe that a nunchaku is like a glove, and that every person should find the one that fits them better, so I will be very critical, and that doesn’t means that I love or hate a certain nunchaku!

Pros About the Chain Nunchaku:

  • They really look like a nunchaku, not a toy.
  • They are heavier (normally) so you will have more power in the spins
  • The chain won’t break so easy…. it’s steel we are talking here!
  • It will be easier to keep the flow, because of the extra weight
  • They make a nice sound, and if it has a ring, a awesome sound!
  • You don’t need to lose your time re stringing the nunchaku
  • Chain won’t fry with the use
  • Now you can be a perfect ninja turtle! (with real chain nunchaku!)
  • They look more awesome than rope
Cons About the Chain Nunchaku:
  • More wait? no thanks!
  • I can’t see the damage it has? Cool, I can expect anytime a flying stick
  • Ballbearings? Didn’t you know they can explode anytime?
  • They do make noise, not so good, when you are spinning indoors at midnight
  • If they fall, they would make greater noise!
  • Beware of falling chain nunchaku, if you are barefoot
  • The ballbearings may damage and makes scratches to the wood if they are drop

Pros and Cons of Rope Nunchaku

So, you want to buy a new chuck, but you don’t know which one to buy, a nunchaku with a chain as link or with a cord as link. Now we will examine the cord nunchaku, with his good stuff and with the wrong ones (the little letter you never read when you are buying a nunchaku!).

Before you begin reading, I do not support a special kind of nunchaku, I believe that a nunchaku is like a glove, and that every person should find the one that fits them better, so I will be very critical, and that doesn’t means that I love or hate a certain nunchaku!

Pros About the Cord Nunchaku:

  • They don’t make too much noise, you can swing them without all your neighbors knowing you are using your nunchakus
  • They tend to be lighter (it will depend of the wood, but generally speaking, they’re lighter)
  • You will notice if they will start to break… with chain they can break with no warning.
  • They look a lot better than chain!
  • You can adjust the length of the rope, for your needs
  • They look more classic than chain nunchakus
  • It is very easy to change the rope.
  • You can tie them with different methods.
Cons About the Cord Nunchaku:
  • The rope fries very easy
  • The weight in the top is lighter than the chain nunchaku
  • The rope last a lot less than a chain
  • They can break with a high pressure trap.
  • They look more like toys rather than a real nunchaku
  • The ninja turtles used chain, how dare you use rope!
  • What is the use of having a nunchaku if they don’t look like a real one?

News 12th September 2010

Hey Folks,

After some very busy days at the university, I will be doing new tutorials this week (mainly because I will have so free days because of the independence day of Chile).

So be sure to check the new tutorials.

Also, remember that feedback is always welcome, and if you have any question with a nunchaku tutorial, or you want me to add a specific tutorial, you can leave a comment, and I will do it.

Have fun with your freestyle, and keep chucking!!