Why catch with the primary hand at the end of the spin? The catch can be carried out straight away or you can get a partial aerial if you wait before the catch.
Tag Archives: f2f
180 & 360 Front to Front SAH’s
Wrist Switch F2F Opposite Arm Spin with Primary Hand Catch
An interesting Opposite Arm Spin
F2F Spin Opposite Hand Catch
Your standard Front to Front Wrist Spin but caught with the opposite hand.
F2F SAH to Reverse Shoulder Pass
This time we are going to execute a Front to Front Spin/Aerial Hybrid, catch with the opposite hand and go straight for the Reverse Shoulder Pass. Enjoy!
Constant Opposite Front to Front Finger Spins
With this trick we’re going to spin the nunchaku around two fingers on the opposite hand and catch again with the primary hand, then repeat.
Front to Front Aerial – A closer look
Self explanatory really
Finger Drop to F2F Aerial
Finger Drop to Front to Front Aerial – Part 2 of Freddy
Fun trick I named after my Terrapin. Fullhand Finger Drop to F2F Aerial to Intercept Finger Spin.
A more indepth look at a later date. S
F2F Spin/Aerial Hybrid PH Intercept Wrist Spin
Now we’re going to take yesterdays trick and finish it with a Primary Hand Wrist Intercept!
Instead of the catch you could always SAH again… S